The pre-election debate with candidates to the European Parliament took place on 12 May 2014 in Bratislava. EP candidates discussed the issues related to business environment with business representatives. Following candidates took part in the discussion: Ján Hudacký (KDH), Ján Oravec (SaS), Zsolt Simon (Most-Híd), Maroš Šefčovič (Smer-SD), Ivan Štefanec (SDKÚ-DS), and Jozef Viskupič (OĽaNO). The event was organized by the Business Alliance of SLovakia, the F. A. Hayeka Foundation, the Center for European Affairs, and
The Pre-election Debate With Candidates to the European Parliament
The pre-election debate with candidates to the European Parliament took place on 12 May 2014 in Bratislava. EP candidates discussed the issues related to business environment with business representatives. Following candidates took part in the discussion: Ján Hudacký, Ján Oravec, Zsolt Simon, Maroš Šefčovič, Ivan Štefanec, and Jozef Viskupič.